Design and Function of Your Website or Blog
Many website and blog owners fail to see just how important those two factors can be, but they directly impact your site’s visitors so they should not be overlooked in their importance.
The design and function of your website or blog can make a big difference on how successful it becomes

In today’s internet world with millions of websites and blogs competing for site traffic (visitors) and especially return traffic, making sure that your site is well designed and functions as it should is vital for it’s ability to get those needed site visitors. There are so many websites and blogs out there in the digital online world that you will want your website or blog to stand out and draw people to want to come and visit it.
Visual perfection
Everyone loves things of beauty and this is true even as it pertains to websites and blogs. Most people want to go to a site that is visually appealing and gives a good impression to them. When you are designing or even remodeling/restyling your website or blog, make sure to make it visually appealing to your site’s target audience. Design your site so that it’s visitors will remember it and that will help increase the time they spend on it as well as increase the chance that people will return to it in the future.
Another very important factor that will contribute to the success of your website or blog is how well it functions and operates. People who go to a site that has pages that won’t load properly, has links that don’t go to where they are supposed to, or has other site functions that just don’t work right will most likely not return to that site in the future. So make sure that all your website or blog is operating properly and functions as it should. This will help the visitors to your site see and find what they are looking for while they are on your site.
Think about visitors
There are many important things that every website or blog owner must think about to help to ensure that their site is a success. Your site’s design and function is one that must not be overlooked or taken lightly if you want your website or blog to be the best it can be. So do yourself and the visitors to your site a favor and make sure to think about these two important factors that will weigh into your site’s success.