Best laptop for deep learning
What are the Best laptops for deep learning?
The need for Machine Learning is there and companies usually don’t pay much attention to the fact that any normal laptop that is being used by Software Developers and Support people is not suitable for Machine Learning. So, let’s get started and find out the Best laptop for Machine Learning. Factors Affecting Portability. Minimum Requirements. Best Laptop for Machine Learning. Building a Custom PC. Factors Affecting Portability.

Deep Learning
A set of machine learning methods based on learning representations, rather than specialized algorithms for specific tasks.
Many deep learning methods were known as early as the 1980s, but the results were unimpressive until advances in the theory of artificial neural networks and computing power in the mid-2000s made it possible to create complex neural network technological architectures with sufficient performance to solve a wide range of problems. that could not be effectively solved before, for example, in computer vision, machine translation, speech recognition, and the quality of the solution in many cases is now comparable, and in some cases exceeds human efficiency.
Video card and RAM
In laptops, as a rule, one can observe only an integrated video card or two video cards (integrated and discrete). In the first option, the price tag pleases, which can be quite affordable for most. The energy efficiency of the device will also be at a decent level, but as for the performance indicators in the graphics, there may be a gap. The option without a discrete graphics card for workloads or gaming may not be suitable. A discrete graphics card is usually made by Nvidia or comes from AMD. The video chip also has a large number of parameters by which it must be selected, but only a specialist can figure it out. The amount of video memory should not be less than 4 GB. Read more: Best laptop for deep learning.
Best laptop for deep learning
The RAM stores information for high-speed access while working on a laptop. For example, if you are sitting at one browser, but you have several tabs open at the same time, it is the RAM that will be responsible for loading them and quickly accessing them. Now they offer laptops with 8 GB of RAM, which is ideal for comfortable stable work at home and in the office. Presented are premium laptops with 16 GB of RAM, which will be appreciated by gamers and users who work with energy-intensive heavy applications.
Accumulator battery
The autonomy of a laptop is usually directly related to the battery, but in fact, work without a power source depends on the speed of your gadget. If you do not plan to "show the world" to your device and plan to put it at home, then 4-6 hours without recharging is optimal. If you work in the field and take your laptop with you for couples, you should focus on high autonomy, namely, so that the gadget is not discharged during an eight-hour working day. Portable laptops for work or the office should easily withstand a total of at least 10 hours of battery life.